Birthdays are important. Make them special!

Birthday Buddy is devoted to providing you the best tool to assist in wishing your loved ones a happy birthday. By subscribing to a monthly or yearly plan, the future features made for that subscription will be rolled out to you instantly. Subscribing now not only gets you the latest and bleading edge updates to Birthday Buddy, but the price you pay will never increase for that subscription. Have an idea you would like implemented, your voice will also be given priority.

Register a Birthday Buddy account
Create 3 custom birthday templates
Use [NAME] to personalize wishes
Apply and send wishes within seconds
Register a Birthday Buddy account
Create 3 custom birthday templates
Use [NAME] to personalize wishes
Apply and send wishes within seconds
Automate applying and sending wishes
Support development of new features
Upload and send photos (coming soon)
More code snippets (coming soon)
More custom templates (coming soon)
Save 40% instantly!
Register a Birthday Buddy account
Create 3 custom birthday templates
Use [NAME] to personalize wishes
Apply and send wishes within seconds
Automate applying and sending wishes
Support development of new features
Upload and send photos (coming soon)
More code snippets (coming soon)
More custom templates (coming soon)

Birthday Buddy - © 2024. Brought to you by Steven Braverman